There are some amazing facts about your favorite application Whatsapp that you do not know yet. Here are 9 of the most amazingly mind blowing facts that you must surely know about the application Whatsapp.
- The co-founders of the application Brian Acton and Jan Koum were the part of the Yahoo team since 20 years before they came up with the concept of Whatsapp. Also in the year of 2009, both were denied of a job in places like Facebook and Twitter. Prior to getting a job in Yahoo, Jan Koum, at the age of 16 years, used to clean floors to support his mother.

- The co-founders came up with the application and did not spend a penny on it but still it went viral much faster than the social networks like Facebook and Twitter. As per Whatsapp, there are almost 450 million numbers of active users on the application monthly. The daily record of active users on Whatsapp is of about 320 millions worldwide.
- The very common thing that made Whatsapp go viral and popular among its users is that it does not include any type of advertisements to generate revenue. Users can have pure conservations without being hassled by any advertisements.
- This is something amazing that the whole team of Whatsapp consisted of just 4 people with just one man heading the team. This small team was managing very efficiently till the time the application reached the download limit of more than 1 billion.
- Whatsapp has not put any hoarding of their office name in front of their office at Mountain View. The thinking is such that the 55 employees of Whatsapp know well about where their work place is and thus they believe in simplicity.
- The name of the application is also based on simplicity. The last term of the name has been taken by the word ‘application’. And the name concept has been taken from the pun ‘What’s up’, that itself denotes a person starting conversation with another.
- The application is absolutely free for the users. Yes, there was a time when users use to get a notification about spending some dollars to activate their application after expiry in a year’s time. But the fact is that when the time of expiry is nearing, the application automatically extends the expiration date for another year without any charges.
- Whatsapp application is really fast because it uses your smartphone as a server. All the messages and contacts are not saved on the application; rather it is saved on your device.
- If you wish to check out and spy on someone about his or her activities on Whatsapp, now there is whatsapp tracking software for it. Secretly install the software Spymaster on the target device and you will be able to login in to the site to check about the various conversations and even sharing media on Whatsapp. With the updated version of the software Spymaster Pro, you will be able to track other various activities of the target device such as calls, locations, and also activities on some other applications.
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