Monday, January 20, 2020

Toddy benefits !

A hot toddy is a mixture of a spirit (usually whiskey, rum, or brandy), hot water, and honey (or, in some recipes, sugar). Additional ingredients such as cloves, alemon slice or cinnamon (in stick or ground form) are often also added. The drink can also be made with tea instead of water.

Advantages of Toddy Drink:
  • Fresh toddy keeps us fresh and is healthy. Toddy which is the wine of the palm or coconut tree is very nutritious and healthy. Toddy has a crucial role in Ayurvedic medication.
  • Fresh toddy is sweet in taste and should be consumed within maximum 12 hours after tapping, otherwise the taste will turn acidic or bitter sour.
  • Fresh coconut toddy comprises physicochemical properties which enhances overall health. It is low in calories. If it’s fermented the alcohol, protein, ascorbic acid and titratable acidity properties escalated in it and the fresh toddy changes into more alcoholic toddy.
  • The lauric acid in fresh toddy is much more better than baby processed milk.
  • Toddy is all natural isotonic beverage which is suitable to human health in every way. It has vitamin B complex.
  • Toddy can give you relief from cold and flu, preventing cough and sneezing.
Disadvantages of Toddy Drink
  • The ethanol content in toddy can affect liver function and lipid metabolism in utero of a pregnant female.
  • Toddy could give rise to neurological symptoms like affecting body rigidity and muscle contraction.
  • It causes damage of liver accumulating fat in the liver.
  • Toddy decreases blood clotting factor, leading to uncontrolled bleeding.
  • It also can weaken heart muscle and ability to pump blood.
  • Toddy drink adversely affect blood pressure and increases risk of heart attacks.

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