Tuesday, December 20, 2016

11 reasons why trampolining is good for you

1. It’s great for your heart
It provides a vigorous aerobic workout, getting your heart to increase the rate at which it pumps blood around your body. It also strengthens the muscles needed for a healthy cardiovascular system.
2. It’s an efficient and easy way of exercising
According to a Nasa study, jumping on a trampoline for 10 minutes is equivalent to a 30-minute run, giving you the same benefits in a third of the time.
3. It’s easy on your joints
Trampolining is a low-impact exercise, because the bouncy mat absorbs the force when you land, preventing jarring of your ankles, knees, hips and spine. It’s easier on your joints than running or jogging.
4. It helps you build strong bones
The repetitive jumping puts your bones under a small amount of stress, which is needed to encourage them to build up mineral content. This increases the density of your bones and reduces your chance of developing conditions such as osteoporosis.
5. It builds strong muscles
Powerful jumping strengthens the muscles in your legs, as they work hard to push you upwards. With repetitive jumping, your muscles have to contract more often than they do with most other exercises, which increases their stamina.
6. It helps with co-ordination
You need to be able to really concentrate to maintain balance, achieve different positions, jump high and prepare for the next position – all at once. Practising this improves motor skills and helps with co-ordination.
7. It’s good for relieving stress and boosting your mood
Exercise, such as trampolining, will release endorphins, the feel-good brain chemicals.
These can help to reduce stress and ease anxiety and depression. It’s fun and can leave you feeling invigorated.
8. It helps to tone your body
Trampolining uses a variety of muscles, including your legs and stomach, because you use your core muscles to stay balanced. Bouncing on a trampoline on a regular basis can help to keep your stomach and bottom toned.
9. It can assist you in losing weight
Jumping on a trampoline burns calories. It can also boost the rate at which your body metabolises food, which will help it to burn fat.
10. It helps your lymphatic system to do its job
The lymph system, which carries toxic substances out of your body, needs gravity and body movement to work properly. Bouncing on a trampoline stimulates the lymphatic drainage system to get rid of toxins, bacteria and waste from your cells, effectively cleansing them.
11. It improves energy levels
More oxygen flows around your body when you bounce on a trampoline and this can result in a rise in energy levels. Meanwhile, getting extra oxygen to your brain can improve mental alertness.

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