- Past can not be changed.
- Opinions don't define your reality.
- Everyone's journey is different.
- Judgements are a confession of a character.
- Over thinking is injurious to health.
- Happiness is found within.
- You only fail when you quit.
- Kindness is free.
- Silence is not empty. It's full of answers.
- You are the First victim of your own anger.
- Shame shows you that you are internalizing other people's beliefs about who you should be and that you need to reconnect yourself.
- You mature with the damage, not with the years.
- Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
- Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means, you don't let fear stop you.
- An expert in anything was once a beginner.
- No response, is a response. And it's a powerful one.
- Quiet people have the loudest minds.
- Life is tough, but so are you.
Information is wealth!!!
Blowing your mind away!
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
What are some lessons that life teaches you
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Coronavirus - COVID 19
Coronavirus Overview
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.
The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).
The COVID-19 virus affects different people in different ways. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease and most infected people will develop mild to moderate symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment. People who have underlying medical conditions and those over 60 years old have a higher risk of developing severe disease and death.
- fever
- tiredness
- dry cough.
Other symptoms include:
- shortness of breath
- aches and pains
- sore throat
- and very few people will report diarrhoea, nausea or a runny nose.
People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should self-isolate and contact their medical provider or a COVID-19 information line for advice on testing and referral.
People with fever, cough or difficulty breathing should call their doctor and seek medical attention.
To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the following:
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
- Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
- Stay home if you feel unwell.
- Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
- Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Toddy benefits !
A hot toddy is a mixture of a spirit (usually whiskey, rum, or brandy), hot water, and honey (or, in some recipes, sugar). Additional ingredients such as cloves, alemon slice or cinnamon (in stick or ground form) are often also added. The drink can also be made with tea instead of water.
Advantages of Toddy Drink:
- Fresh toddy keeps us fresh and is healthy. Toddy which is the wine of the palm or coconut tree is very nutritious and healthy. Toddy has a crucial role in Ayurvedic medication.
- Fresh toddy is sweet in taste and should be consumed within maximum 12 hours after tapping, otherwise the taste will turn acidic or bitter sour.
- Fresh coconut toddy comprises physicochemical properties which enhances overall health. It is low in calories. If it’s fermented the alcohol, protein, ascorbic acid and titratable acidity properties escalated in it and the fresh toddy changes into more alcoholic toddy.
- The lauric acid in fresh toddy is much more better than baby processed milk.
- Toddy is all natural isotonic beverage which is suitable to human health in every way. It has vitamin B complex.
- Toddy can give you relief from cold and flu, preventing cough and sneezing.
Disadvantages of Toddy Drink
- The ethanol content in toddy can affect liver function and lipid metabolism in utero of a pregnant female.
- Toddy could give rise to neurological symptoms like affecting body rigidity and muscle contraction.
- It causes damage of liver accumulating fat in the liver.
- Toddy decreases blood clotting factor, leading to uncontrolled bleeding.
- It also can weaken heart muscle and ability to pump blood.
- Toddy drink adversely affect blood pressure and increases risk of heart attacks.
eCommerce for businesses and consumers
What is e-commerce, and how does it work?
E-commerce is often confused with E-business, but there is a significant difference between these terms. E-business is the most modern form of business organization which implies intensive use of Internet technology, while e-commerce represents the most popular part of e-business.
E-commerce experts emphasize several reasons why this type of business is more desirable than the one that doesn’t include technology. Some of them are a better use of all available resources; especially information, the effort to achieve the best position of the company, as well as the desire to make a better business performance.
What are the pros and cons of eCommerce for businesses?
Lower costs – the cost of doing online business is lower because employees are not required at every location; there is no need for security or maintenance personnel. Specifically, employees are only needed when it comes to sales, and everything else goes passably or automatically.
Also, in some cases, if it’s a direct sale, no storage space is needed. That’s the main reason why some prices in online stores are also lower than standard prices in a classic store.
Availability 24/7 – the fact is that e-commerce is open all day. Buyers can visit e-commerce at any time of the day, get information about everything they want to know and buy whatever they want. Such availability increases the ability to earn profits and leads and helps in building a better relationship between buyers and merchants.
International sale of goods and services – everyone who owns e-commerce knows that if they offer quality and fashionable products to a large number of consumers, they can sell them in different countries. With using the Internet, the market is expanded and creates an additional opportunity for earnings.
Personalization – the internet-based business also implies monitoring of customer experience and provides an opportunity for adapting offers, newsletters, and everything else that can help in realizing sales to different customers.
Creating a customer database – when registering in a web shop, visitors are usually asked to enter data about themselves.
Based on the data, the merchant can quickly adapt his offer to his potential buyer and also maintain contact with the same buyer. A mobile application can also help in that process
Business growth – with the support of electronics it’s easier to make progress and move forward with your business ideas: the costs are smaller, you can point out the products you want to sell approaching the customer is possible by adjusting the content, advertising is more available, and there are a lot of tips and tricks how to generate your leads.
In that process, remember one thing- transparency. You always have to be honest with your customers if you want to boost your sales. Why?
It’s been statistically proven that 60% of users abandon their carts because of the hidden costs they didn’t see before applying for the payment –
Thursday, January 16, 2020
What did you learn too late in life?
What did you learn too late in life? Below are the truth which life taught me and i am still learning.
- Money is almost everything in life. You are handicapped without money.
- Invest in yourself. Try to get better day by day.
- Leave the job if you see no growth in yourself.
- Don't fall in love unless you are settled in life.
- Girls don't like to marry a struggling guy.
- Never be friends with your ex.
- Friends become 'contacts' or ‘acquaintances’ with time.
- Nobody cares about your problems.
- Don't share your personal problems with any random person.
- Parents are the only ones who truly love you.
- Your parents may stop supporting you if you fail repeatedly.
- Don't buy a car on loan. Never.
- Buying a house is not compulsory.
- Help your loved ones.
- Work where you can improve yourself.
- Don't wish for comfort if you want to improve.
- Talk less. Listen more.
- Appreciate the good things or people.
- Save enough money.
- Travel whenever you get the chance.
- Never miss an opportunity you once wished for.
- Stay healthy. Exercise daily. Life is uncertain.
- Family comes first. Everything else is secondary.
- Compromise only if it benefits your family.
- Never forget your bad days.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Volte Technology
VoLTE or voice over LTE simply means that your voice quality won't reduce even if your data is turned on while making and receiving a call.
Where are in LTE the voice quality reduces if you keep your data on.
The long answer (source: internet is bigger than the Pacific)
VoLTE stands for voice over LTE and it’s more or less exactly what it says. It’s voice calls over a 4G LTE network, rather than the 2G or 3G connections which are usually used. We tend to think of 4G as mostly being about downloading, streaming and web browsing, and indeed that’s primarily what it’s been used for so far, but it can also be used to improve calls.
What are the benefits of VoLTE?
Superior call quality – The big advantage of VoLTE is that call quality is superior to 3G or 2G connections as far more data can be transferred over 4G than 2G or 3G. Up to three times as much data as 3G and up to six times as much as 2G to be precise, making it easier to make out not only what the person on the other end of the line is saying, but also their tone of voice. Essentially it’s an HD voice call and it’s a much richer experience over all.
Improved coverage and connectivity – VoLTE can connect calls up to twice as fast as the current methods and as 2G and 3G connections will still be available when there’s no 4G signal it simply means that there’s greater mobile coverage overall, as currently places with a 4G signal but no 2G or 3G means that one you can’t make or receive calls.
You might think that would be a rare occurrence, but some of the frequencies that 4G operates on, such as the 800MHz spectrum, have far greater reach than 2G or 3G spectrum, so you’ll be able to get signal further away from a mast or in buildings which other signals struggle to penetrate. Indeed, Three is fully relying on its 800MHz spectrum for VoLTE calls.
However, while 2G and 3G services would likely remain they wouldn’t be as necessary as they are now and much of the spectrum used for 2G in particular could potentially be repurposed to increase capacity on 4G networks.
Video calling – It’s also theoretically possible to make video calls over 4G, much like a Skype call except you’d just use your mobile number and be able to use the regular dialler and call interface, so you can make and receive video calls from anyone else with VoLTE, rather than relying on separate accounts.
In fact you may have noticed that Skype and other existing video calls services often seem to have superior audio quality to voice calls. That’s because like VoLTE they use more data as part of a similarly named VoIP system, so you can expect your voice calls to start sounding more like Skype calls, but they won’t hit your battery life as much as Skype does.
Not only could video calls become native to the dialler, but other Rich Communication Services (or RCS’s) could as well, such as file transferring, real time language translation and video voicemail and there may be applications which haven’t even been thought up yet.
As VoLTE is tied to data it could also mean that you won’t have to worry about how many minutes you use, as everything will fall under data use.
Are there any limitations of VoLTE?
Initially there are a few. For one thing in some implementations it only works if both the device making a call and the one receiving it support VoLTE, so in the early days you might find yourself quite limited in terms of who you can actually use it to contact.
Depending on how the networks set it up there also may or may not be network interoperability at first, so it’s possible that initially you may only be able to use VoLTE to call people on the same network as you.
VoLTE also potentially requires both participants on the call to have 4G coverage. As that’s not yet as widespread as 2G and 3G it means that VoLTE calls won’t always be available and if someone moves out of 4G coverage during the call there’s a chance that the call will be dropped.
Finally, pricing may be an issue. Since VoLTE ties into data it may be the case that calling becomes more expensive than it currently is, depending on what networks decide to charge.
All of these problems are likely to be short-lived though as 4G coverage increases, more devices begin to support VoLTE, prices stabilise and networks align their technology. In fact some version of the service suffers from very few of these problems, with the only major ones being lack of VoLTE coverage and limited support for existing handsets.
All of these problems are likely to be short-lived though as 4G coverage increases, more devices begin to support VoLTE, prices stabilise and networks align their technology. In fact some version of the service suffers from very few of these problems, with the only major ones being lack of VoLTE coverage and limited support for existing handsets.
Why haven’t we been making calls over 4G with VoLTE all along?
The problem with Voice over LTE is that 4G LTE is a data-only networking technology, so it doesn’t natively support voice calls. While 3G and 2G were primarily designed with voice calls in mind and data was added to them.
As such it’s been necessary to create new protocols to support voice calling over 4G and it’s a big job, requiring upgrades across the entire voice call infrastructure. There’s no one standard for this, with different networks creating their own solutions.
There are some common problems and solutions though, most notably the requirement for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC), which simply means that the phone will be able to switch back to a 2G or 3G signal if you move out of a 4G signal zone during the call.
This needs to be seamless or the call will cut out, so it requires masts to pre-emptively deliver a 3G signal whenever the 4G signal drops dangerously low, but also to keep the 4G signal running at the same time, so it can either stay on 3G if it loses the 4G signal entirely or drop the 3G if the 4G signal becomes strengthened again.
How do I know if my phone supports VoLTE?
So far in the UK only Three offers VoLTE and it’s limited to a handful of flagship handsets, but it’s working to push out software updates for a range of other phones. See the full list of supported handsets here
In theory most existing 4G phones should work with VoLTE, but some may encounter problems and as they all require a tailored software update it’s dependent on each network to roll one out, so if you don’t have a new and popular phone then you may be left waiting indefinitely.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
11 reasons why trampolining is good for you
1. It’s great for your heart
It provides a vigorous aerobic workout, getting your heart to increase the rate at which it pumps blood around your body. It also strengthens the muscles needed for a healthy cardiovascular system.
It provides a vigorous aerobic workout, getting your heart to increase the rate at which it pumps blood around your body. It also strengthens the muscles needed for a healthy cardiovascular system.
2. It’s an efficient and easy way of exercising
According to a Nasa study, jumping on a trampoline for 10 minutes is equivalent to a 30-minute run, giving you the same benefits in a third of the time.
According to a Nasa study, jumping on a trampoline for 10 minutes is equivalent to a 30-minute run, giving you the same benefits in a third of the time.
3. It’s easy on your joints
Trampolining is a low-impact exercise, because the bouncy mat absorbs the force when you land, preventing jarring of your ankles, knees, hips and spine. It’s easier on your joints than running or jogging.
Trampolining is a low-impact exercise, because the bouncy mat absorbs the force when you land, preventing jarring of your ankles, knees, hips and spine. It’s easier on your joints than running or jogging.
4. It helps you build strong bones
The repetitive jumping puts your bones under a small amount of stress, which is needed to encourage them to build up mineral content. This increases the density of your bones and reduces your chance of developing conditions such as osteoporosis.
The repetitive jumping puts your bones under a small amount of stress, which is needed to encourage them to build up mineral content. This increases the density of your bones and reduces your chance of developing conditions such as osteoporosis.
5. It builds strong muscles
Powerful jumping strengthens the muscles in your legs, as they work hard to push you upwards. With repetitive jumping, your muscles have to contract more often than they do with most other exercises, which increases their stamina.
Powerful jumping strengthens the muscles in your legs, as they work hard to push you upwards. With repetitive jumping, your muscles have to contract more often than they do with most other exercises, which increases their stamina.
6. It helps with co-ordination
You need to be able to really concentrate to maintain balance, achieve different positions, jump high and prepare for the next position – all at once. Practising this improves motor skills and helps with co-ordination.
You need to be able to really concentrate to maintain balance, achieve different positions, jump high and prepare for the next position – all at once. Practising this improves motor skills and helps with co-ordination.
7. It’s good for relieving stress and boosting your mood
Exercise, such as trampolining, will release endorphins, the feel-good brain chemicals.
These can help to reduce stress and ease anxiety and depression. It’s fun and can leave you feeling invigorated.
Exercise, such as trampolining, will release endorphins, the feel-good brain chemicals.
These can help to reduce stress and ease anxiety and depression. It’s fun and can leave you feeling invigorated.
8. It helps to tone your body
Trampolining uses a variety of muscles, including your legs and stomach, because you use your core muscles to stay balanced. Bouncing on a trampoline on a regular basis can help to keep your stomach and bottom toned.
Trampolining uses a variety of muscles, including your legs and stomach, because you use your core muscles to stay balanced. Bouncing on a trampoline on a regular basis can help to keep your stomach and bottom toned.
9. It can assist you in losing weight
Jumping on a trampoline burns calories. It can also boost the rate at which your body metabolises food, which will help it to burn fat.
Jumping on a trampoline burns calories. It can also boost the rate at which your body metabolises food, which will help it to burn fat.
10. It helps your lymphatic system to do its job
The lymph system, which carries toxic substances out of your body, needs gravity and body movement to work properly. Bouncing on a trampoline stimulates the lymphatic drainage system to get rid of toxins, bacteria and waste from your cells, effectively cleansing them.
The lymph system, which carries toxic substances out of your body, needs gravity and body movement to work properly. Bouncing on a trampoline stimulates the lymphatic drainage system to get rid of toxins, bacteria and waste from your cells, effectively cleansing them.
11. It improves energy levels
More oxygen flows around your body when you bounce on a trampoline and this can result in a rise in energy levels. Meanwhile, getting extra oxygen to your brain can improve mental alertness.
More oxygen flows around your body when you bounce on a trampoline and this can result in a rise in energy levels. Meanwhile, getting extra oxygen to your brain can improve mental alertness.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Canon 5d Mark iv specs
- 30.4 Megapixel Full Frame CMOS Sensor
- 7 fps continuous shooting and silent shutter mode
- 4k 30fps video with 8.8 mp still frame grab, Full 1080p HD 60 fps, HD 720p mode at 120 fps
- Dual Pixel CMOS AF for responsive and smooth AF during video or Live View shooting
- Dual Pixel RAW
- Built-in GPS
- Built-in WiFi, NFC (Near-Field Communication)
- 3.2" (81.1mm), approximately 1,620,000 dot Clear View II LCD monitor with full touch-screen interface, including selection of AF area
- DIGIC 6+ image processor
- 61-point High-Density Reticular AF II system (like 1D X Mark II) including up to 41 cross-type AF sensors, with EOS iTR, f/8 AF
- EV -3 AF sensitivity, EV -4 when in Live View mode
- 150,000-pixel RGB+IR, 252 zone metering sensor for improved AE and AF precision
- Zone, Spot and AF Point Expansion focusing modes
- ISO 100-32000 with expansion up to 102400, down to 50
- Short 58ms shutter lag
- Flicker Mode adjusts shutter release timing to avoid flickering light issues
- Dual Memory Card Slots supporting one CF (UDMA Mode 7) and one SD/SDHC/SDXC (UHS-I) memory card
- Upgraded Transparent LCD viewfinder with 100% coverage
- Dual-Axis Electronic Level with dedicated viewfinder display
- Time-lapse Movie function
- EOS Integrated Cleaning System (EICS)
- Peripheral Illumination, Chromatic Aberration, Distortion and Diffraction Corrections in-camera along with DLO (Digital Lens Optimizer)
- Magnesium alloy body, shutter durability rated up to 150,000 cycles, improved dust and weather resistance
- Mirror Vibration Control System to reduce mirror vibration-caused blur
- Customizable Quick Control screen
- +/- 5 stops of exposure compensation
- Super Speed USB 3.0 for high-speed tethering and image/movie transfer
- In-camera Multiple Exposure and HDR modes, HDR 30 fps video
- Improved custom controls with built-in intervalometer and bulb timer
For more information : Click here
Monday, January 18, 2016
Lenovo K4 Note Smartphone
• TheaterMax technology – Virtual Giant Cinematic Experience
• Vibrant 13.97cm (5.5) Full HD wide-view display
• Twin Dolby Atmos® enabled speakers
• 3GB RAM and 16GB ROM
• Fingerprint reader with gesture support
• 13MP rear and 5MP front camera
Starting at:Rs. 11,998
TheaterMax is the widescreen cinematic experience powered by Lenovo VR technology. It’s built into the VIBE K4 Note. Partner the VIBE K4 Note with the ANTVR glasses and view movies and games on a super-size virtual screen. Turn up the volume on the VIBE K4 Note’s surround-sound audio system and get totally immersed in a sensational new world.
Dolby Atmos®
The Lenovo K4 Note is equipped with twin front-facing speakers with Dolby Atmos®. They deliver a rich, immersive sound experience. Videos and music in Dolby Atmos will be enhanced with audio that flows above and around you. You will enjoy a wider, elevated sound field with greater details, enhanced loudness without distortion, and crisper dialogue in movies and TV shows.

Dolby ATMOS Enabled Speakers
Vibrant 13.97cm (5.5) Full HD Display
Rich in color and sharp in resolution, the Lenovo K4 Note smartphone's 13.97cm (5.5) FHD 1080p screen is made for multimedia. This display pumps out 450Nits brightness and has 1000:1 contrast ratio making the colors pop out of your images and videos. It ensures that your video, games, and images all appear clearer and more vivid. Plus, with in-plane switching (IPS) offering nearly 180° of wide-angle viewing, the K4 Note's big, bright display is perfect for sharing with friends or family.
Advanced Sound Input & Recording Capabilities
K4 Note is configured with a 3-mic system that filters out ambient noise, greatly enhancing sound input and recording capabilities. Moreover the state-of-the-art Wolfson® codec support provides multi-mic wide band noise reduction, high-performance acoustic echo cancellation (AEC), stereo ambient noise cancellation (ANC), speech enhancement and much more.

Rear and Front Cameras
With the K4 Note's 13MP auto-focus rear camera and 5MP front camera, you can shoot breathtaking photos and sharp selfies all day long, and share them instantly. The rear camera is a f2.2 ISOCELL sensor with PDAF fast focus. With all the VIBE UI enhancements, you will have the best photos everytime.
64-Bit Octa Core Power & 3GB DDR3 RAM
Enjoy multimedia excellence with MediaTek’s MT6753 Octa Core processor and its power-saving features to boost battery life. 3 GB of RAM complement processing power for a smooth, responsive performance, no matter the task at hand.

MediaTek® MT6753 Octa Core processor
Expandable Storage
With 16 GB of built-in storage, the K4 Note smartphone has a lot of room for your photos, videos, and music. However, should you need more - you can boost the storage up to 128 GB with a microSD card.
Fingerprint & Near Field Communication (NFC)
K4 Note comes with a fast fingerprint scanner that is super responsive. Apart from unlocking your phone, we have added unique and useful gestures like taking a picture, Multitasking menu and back button to the fingerprint scanner.
All Day Battery Power
Fueled by a 3300mAh battery, the Lenovo K4 Note is perfect for your active lifestyle. Whether you're big on social media, an avid gamer, or simply enjoy chatting, this smartphone won't slow you down.
Blazing 4G Speed
The Lenovo K4 Note supports high-speed LTE (4G) networks for the fastest data connectivity, helping you reach your full enjoyment potential when browsing, watching, reading, gaming, or chatting online.
Dual SIM
Two phone numbers in one smartphone is great whether you're separating business and pleasure, travelling to a different country, or simply want to take advantage of different service providers to save money. Not available in all regions.
Android™ 5.1, Lollipop
With the latest version of Android, get ready for a faster, smoother, and more powerful performance. You'll find it easier to stay in the loop, interact with others, and even manage battery power. You can also better safeguard your K4 Note and enjoy a host of new features to make life that much sweeter.
Built-in Lenovo Apps
Lenovo's new DOit series of apps let you and your device do more. Share photos, apps, video and other data with any compatible device, off network, with SHAREit. Backup or restore your contacts, message data and call logs with SYNCit. Enjoy multiple photo shooting modes with SNAPit and instantly transfer all your old apps and data to your new Lenovo phone with CLONEit.
Tech Specs
64-bit MediaTek® MT6753 Octa-core processor
Operating System
Andriod™ 5.1 and 10 point multi-touch
Mali T720-MP3 (up to 450MHz 3D graphics accelerator)
Internal storage: 16GB eMMC built-in storage
Expandable: Up to 128GB microSD
Size: 5.5" Full HD (1920X1080) at >403ppi, IPS 178° wide-view display
Type: Capacitive 10-point multi-touch
Dimensions (mm)
3.8 - 9.15 (curved back panel for enhanced ergonomics)
Dimensions (inches)
3.01" x 0.36" x 6.05"
Starting at 0.34lbs (158g)
Rear Cover: Polycarbonate
Display: Scratch-resistant Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3 display
Dolby Atmos virtual surround sound
Front ported 2X1.5W stereo speakers
WM8281 audio codec
Fingerprint reader with gesture support
SAR Value
Head - 0.844 W/kg
Body - 0.711 W/kg
Type: 3300mAh (Li-polymer), embedded
Standby time: 265hrs
Talk time: 22hrs
Tuxedo Black
Type: Dual micro SIM
Rear: 13MP PDAF w/ Dual-color LED flash
Front: 5MP fixed-focus
Gravitation, Proximity, Light, E-Compass
Speed: LTE TDD Band 40/41 NW (2555MHz--2655MHz); FDD Band 1/3/5/7 /8/20
3G Network: 850/900/1900/2100 MHz
2G Network: GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Speed: LTE (4G) 150Mbps (DL) / 50Mbps (UL) CAT4
WLAN: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Wi-Fi hotspot
Bluetooth: Bluetooth® 4.0 LE
A-GPS Support: Yes
Radio: FM radio
Specifications may vary
Social Networking
64-bit MediaTek® MT6753 Octa-core processor
Operating System
Andriod™ 5.1 and 10 point multi-touch
Mali T720-MP3 (up to 450MHz 3D graphics accelerator)
Internal storage: 16GB eMMC built-in storage
Expandable: Up to 128GB microSD
Size: 5.5" Full HD (1920X1080) at >403ppi, IPS 178° wide-view display
Type: Capacitive 10-point multi-touch
Dimensions (mm)
3.8 - 9.15 (curved back panel for enhanced ergonomics)
Dimensions (inches)
3.01" x 0.36" x 6.05"
Starting at 0.34lbs (158g)
Rear Cover: Polycarbonate
Display: Scratch-resistant Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3 display
Dolby Atmos virtual surround sound
Front ported 2X1.5W stereo speakers
WM8281 audio codec
Fingerprint reader with gesture support
SAR Value
Head - 0.844 W/kg
Body - 0.711 W/kg
Type: 3300mAh (Li-polymer), embedded
Standby time: 265hrs
Talk time: 22hrs
Tuxedo Black
Type: Dual micro SIM
Rear: 13MP PDAF w/ Dual-color LED flash
Front: 5MP fixed-focus
Gravitation, Proximity, Light, E-Compass
Speed: LTE TDD Band 40/41 NW (2555MHz--2655MHz); FDD Band 1/3/5/7 /8/20
3G Network: 850/900/1900/2100 MHz
2G Network: GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Speed: LTE (4G) 150Mbps (DL) / 50Mbps (UL) CAT4
WLAN: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Wi-Fi hotspot
Bluetooth: Bluetooth® 4.0 LE
A-GPS Support: Yes
Radio: FM radio
Specifications may vary
Social Networking
Twitter™ , Facebook®
& Daily Life
Guvera Music, Shazam, Route 66 Navi + Maps, Evernote®, UC Browser
Play, Store, Chrome, Drive, Gmail, Hangouts, Maps, Play Music, Photos, Google Search, Play Movies & TV, YouTube, Google+, Google Calendar, Google Settings
Gamestore, Tap the Frog
Lenovo Apps
SHAREit with CLONEit, SYNCit, SNAPit CameraGuvera Music, Shazam, Route 66 Navi + Maps, Evernote®, UC Browser
Play, Store, Chrome, Drive, Gmail, Hangouts, Maps, Play Music, Photos, Google Search, Play Movies & TV, YouTube, Google+, Google Calendar, Google Settings
Gamestore, Tap the Frog
Lenovo Apps
McAfee Security
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Ways To Lose Pot Belly
Positive Approach
The psychology of a person plays a great role in determining success in any endeavour undertaken. If you think you can achieve, you will surely succeed. Therefore, having a positive outlook towards life is essential before taking up any task, whether it is grabbing the biggest business deal or following weight loss regimen.
Set Goals
In order to achieve success, it is important on your part to set up your goal. If you wish to lose your pot belly, you will have to establish small, realistic and achievable goals for yourself. Setting up goals motivates you to act and achieving small goals pushes you to work harder towards greater goals.
Walk To Reduce
Walking your way to a toned belly is the simplest of all exercises to indulge in. Incorporate brisk walking in your daily life routine and lose those extra kilos the easy way. Walking also provides you with an alternative to increase the calorie deficit that is needed to induce weight loss.
Say No To White Bread
You might enjoy loafs of bread for breakfast along with your black coffee, but do you know that white bread is not at all a healthy choice. Researchers have proven the fact that people consuming more refined products like white bread are more at risk of putting on belly fat.
Don’t Skip Meals
Your busy schedule might make you skip meals and you might feel happy indirectly especially if you have started putting on belly fat. But, skipping meals to slim down is a bad idea, since every meal is important in order to speed up the metabolism. Therefore, you should not skip any meal rather eat slowly by chewing the food completely to decrease your appetite. Drinking hot water instead of cold water can also help speed up the metabolism and help burn more calories.
Improve Your Posture
Might sound like a point out of space, but it is quite a relevant point to take care of. Crouching down while walking or slouching down facilitates your potbelly. Therefore, you will have to learn to walk tall, sit straight in order to both reduce your belly fat and get rid of back pain.
Workout Abdominal Muscles
Weak abdominal muscles can also be one of the causes of your pot belly. Incorporating exercises for your abdominal muscles in your daily routine can take care of this problem. Join a gym or find out about various abdominal exercises and workout at home.
Drink Less Beer
Consuming more and more beer makes you develop more visceral fat which gets accumulated in and around the liver and other internal organs. One way to determine whether your belly is because of drinking beer is that potbelly developed because of beer consumption will be hard than normal potbelly. It is not the muscles that make your stomach strong but the harmful fat that raises the risk of heart and intestinal problems.
It looks unattractive, makes you feel uneasy and socially incompatible and might even push you to depression, if you don’t take to heart the aforementioned steps to reduce your belly fat. Following the steps mentioned would help answer all your queries pertaining to the question how to lose pot belly
Thursday, November 26, 2015
How to become successful in Corporate Ladder
Here are 8 strategies on how to move up the corporate ladder, successfully...
Assume a leadership stance. This means taking full responsibility for your autonomy on the job in order to set an example for your coworkers. Your bosses will notice that your actions encourage those around you to work harder and more efficiently and, as a result, you could be presented with opportunities for climbing the ladder.
Contribute useful ideas. Before scheduled meetings, review the meeting agenda, research the issues to be addressed and determine how you can provide input. Focus on creative, relevant and useful ideas you can contribute to things like productivity, employee motivation and increasing the bottom line. To move up the ladder, you must be able to prove your value as an employee, and making suggestions that improve your company's functioning is a great way to get noticed as an idea-maker.
Make your presence known. Speak up at meetings, initiate conversations in the break room and at lunch time and participate in group conversations between coworkers in order to get noticed. Just be mindful of the relevance and appropriateness of your input.
Work hard. There is no substitute for effort. It will take some personal sacrifice to move up the corporate ladder, such as coming in early, working overtime, taking on extra responsibilities and being accountable for difficult tasks.
Develop a strategy for achieving your career goals. Climbing the ladder may involve things like getting more education, volunteering your time to side projects, forming a relationship with a mentor, taking a certification examination and/or better acquainting yourself with your bosses. Identify the things you can do to improve your career standing, then create and implement a step by step plan for accomplishing those things.
Diversify your position. Identify areas in your workplace where your strengths could be useful and think of ways in which you could expand your job description to encompass those areas. Present your ideas to your manager and volunteer to adapt your current functions to the broader scope.
Involve yourself in company activities. Make it a point to be at company parties, team-building retreats and the like. You want to stand out in your boss's mind when the next promotion opportunity arises.
Network amongst industry professionals. Do this by attending industry seminars, trade shows and networking clubs. As your reputation grows, so will your chances at climbing the ladder. Moreover, forging associations with those in your industry may result in future employment opportunities if, for any reason, you outgrow your current employer.
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